
Don't afraid to FEAR, Just Let itself be.

GraU 2022. 11. 9. 06:37



Courage is not the absence of FEAR !

(Whatever happens
if You OK and We Ok, that's OK.

It's OK to fear.  ChiChi

(Don't afraid to FEAR [to scared],  Just  Let itself be.)





Mostly, There were what was be a [cure-real] doctor Who found he was at his best. When Sharing his extraordinary gift(abilities) with others,  He reopen his (own) gate, He discoverd his place in the world once again. 

after all, it's only by helping others that can truly help ourselves.



" We may not look like it, but somehow, we just belong together."


--- in the Dr. D,  paraphasing added.





Dolittle Movie Quotes & Review

Do you love Robert Downey Jr.? His new movie is Dolittle! We sent a contributor to review Dolittle starring Robert Downey Jr. to share the best quotes from the movie and their review!  Below you







"안그런듯 보이지만,  우리는 다 서로에게 속해있어"

그래서,  너는 혼자가 아니야  라고 말하는 거야.

굳이 지어서  혼자라는  슬픔 : 의 집에  둥지 틀지 않기를.



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