(1) 전제 : Consent/앎으로부터의 출발:마비에 대한 알아차림

+ '알아차림' : 용어의 원전 (cf. 불교, 위빠사나)

GraU 2007. 1. 18. 22:22
제목 : 사띠(sati)의 의미와 쓰임에 관한 고찰 
발행일 : 2001 
출처 : 한국교육학술정보원
주제분류 : 교육학술 > 종교 > 불교
언어 : 한국어


저자명 임승택
학술지명 보조사상
권호사항 Vol.16 No.1 [2001]
발행처 보조사상연구원
발행처 URL http://www.bojosasang.org
자료유형 학술저널
수록면 9-39 (31쪽)
언어 Korean [※ 본문의 언어가 다를 수 있으니 미리보기를 확인해 주십시요]
발행년도 2001
KDC 220




 임승택, 동국대 인도철학과


+ 차례 :

1. 시작하는 말

2. 사띠에 대한 그간의 번역

3. 새로운 번역어로서의 마음지킴

4. 사띠 수행의 의미와 실제

5. 마치는 말





This paper aims to explicate the concept of Sati, which is known as the essence of Buddhist meditation. It is said that Sati, in Pa ̄li, has had various implications and examples of translation. For instance, it is translated into memory, recognition, consciousness, intentness of mind, mindfulness. concentration, alertness, lucidity, self-possession etc., in English. It is also translated into 念, 憶念, 不忘, 持念, 守意, 意止 etc., in Chinese.At first I have tried to make clear the implication of Sati in original Pa ̄li texts. And then I translated it into 마음지킴 in Korean, which means 'intentness of mind'. It is not for the first time that the translation of Sati has been attempted in Korea. But most of translators did not clarify the reason why they have selected their own words.The only translator, Cho Joon-Ho, disclosed the reason why he selected his own word of Sati. This fact means that he is the first one to give attention to the concept of Sati in the academic field. He translated Sati into 수동적 주의집중 in Korean, which means 'passive attention in bare state of mind'.In this paper, I discussed a lot about the difference of my opinion from his. Working this, I refered to 5 Nika ̄yas, Visuddhimagga, Saddhammapaka ̄sini ̄ etc. These texts helped me to determine my thought and select the equivalent Korean. I showed the related phrases from these texts in this paper.In Buddhism, Sati has application to samma ̄sati(正念), a ̄na ̄pa ̄nasati(入出息念), satipattha ̄na ̄ (念慮) etc. In these, a ̄na ̄pa ̄nasati is the most typical method in early Buddhist meditation, which is a way of realization of Buddha's teaching. And satipattha ̄na ̄ is a system of practice which covers wide range of the topics about Body(ka ̄ya), Feeling(vedana ̄), Cognizance(citta) and True Idea(dhamma). Sati has an unique and essential function in all these applications because they could not be practiced without the faculty of Sati. Therefore this paper about Sati has the meaning of getting to the point of early Buddhist practice theory, beyond the simple analysis of conception.

'(1) 전제 : Consent > 앎으로부터의 출발:마비에 대한 알아차림' 카테고리의 다른 글

디자인적 사고와 과학적 사고?  (0) 2007.10.11
앎?  (0) 2007.03.05
H.L. Bergson  (0) 2007.02.25
I.Kant  (0) 2007.02.25
+ Sati : 알아차림, 마음지킴, 마음챙김  (0) 2007.01.18